Tuesday, August 20, 2013


English 100
*Section 36

Room: PH 1 - 107                                                                               Tu/Th 8:00 – 9:15am
Instructor: Élice Hennessee                                                   Email: literary.pros@gmail.com
Office: MHB 717                                                                Office Hours: Tu/Th 9:30-10:30
                                                                                                              *and by appointment

*Syllabus subject to change with advanced notice

Required Texts/Materials:

Barrios, Barclay. Emerging: Contemporary Reading for Writers. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. Print.

Hacker, Diana (Nancy Sommers). Rules for Writers, CSULB Custom 7th Edition.

Selected readings may be available through our class website, E-Reserves or via the Internet. Please make sure you have ready access to a computer with Internet. **All readings from class website, e-reserve, Internet or other electronic outlet must be printed, annotated, and brought to class on the day that we will be discussing the reading.

Class Website: TheBeachWrites.blogspot.com

Course Description:

English 100 is a writing and composition course designed to help you express your ideas and arguments more clearly and effectively. You will engage in critical reading and expository writing as part of learning how to read, write, and compose successfully at the university level. You will also be required to write frequently in and outside of class through informal writing, through online responses, and through longer, well-developed essays. This will not be a grammar review course; however, I will discuss frequent mistakes with the class if I see a need to do so.

Course Goals:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • think and write critically about what you read and observe;
  • improve your ability to write expository essays;
  • express your ideas more clearly and proficiently;
  • generate ideas/claims and develop those ideas/claims in an argument;
  • support those ideas/claims with evidence based information;
  • articulate your responses to texts in classroom discussions and writing assignments;
  • identify and write to appropriate audience
  • quote judiciously from texts and provide context for quotations;
  • respond to your peers’ essays in an effective manner;
  • use MLA and APA citations consistently and properly.


Writing Assignments: The writing assignments you will be responsible for in this class include:
·      Essay 1
·      Essay 2
·      Scholarly Source Review
·      Issue Analysis
·      Annotated Bibliography
·      Final Research Paper
·      Mid Term Exam
·      Final Exam
·      Quick Writes (QW)
·      Real World Writing Assignments (RWW) (5) (in class & on discussion forum)
·      Micro Essays (in class)
·      Blog and/or Letter to Official (Extra Credit)

Full Formal Essay Assignments: There will be three formal essay assignments that will account for the majority of your grade to be completed on the due dates listed on the syllabus and discussed in class (more information regarding other essays will be handed out during the course of the semester, specific dates found in schedule). The third essay will be a research essay, and you will periodically update the class and me with your progress. In your essays, you should make an argument and support your claim(s) carefully and effectively. Your essays must be in correct MLA or APA format (I will discuss MLA and APA formatting during class). Your arguments should stem from the readings that we discuss in class, and you can use our discussion, your free writes and other homework assignments as starters and supporters for these essays.

Essay Format: All essays should be typed with Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1” margins all around, and double-spaced, unless otherwise noted. Please put your last name and the page number on the top right-hand side of each sheet of your essay (otherwise known as a header). Your name, my name, the course title, and the due date of the assignment should all go on the left of the first sheet only. Your unique title should go in the center of your first sheet and should not be underlined, italicized, in quotes, or in bold lettering. See MLA formatting in the Hacker text or online for examples and more information.

Drafts: Drafts are important because they help you develop your ideas and clarify your claims. On the days when we have draft workshops, you are required to bring three (3) copies of your draft; you can also post your draft to the course site so that other students have a chance to read and respond to your draft electronically. Drafts are to be included with the final draft of your essays and if you do not have your draft with peer review comments, or if your draft is insufficient (less than two pages), points will be deducted from your final draft. For Essay 1 & 2, after you receive peer-review comments, you will revise your draft and produce a final draft. The final drafts are due both in hard copy and electronically. Hard copies are due at the BEGINNING of class on the day it’s due. You will also turn in your essays electronically, in dropbox on beachboard by 11:59pm on the days the final drafts are due. I provide comments on drafts to help you improve your essays. The Research Paper assignment will include two preliminary drafts and a final draft. Since this assignment is worth so much of your grade, I am giving you ample opportunity to receive support and assistance from your peers and turn in your best work. Also, you can always schedule 30-minute appointments with me to review a working draft if you like.
IMPORTANT: If you submit only one draft, your final essay grade will be lowered by half a grade (5%).

Draft Workshops: On draft workshop days, you will form small groups and read and comment on your classmates’ drafts. I will provide a guide to help you comment on the drafts. Try to be as thorough as possible in your responses to help your fellow students improve their essays.

Midterm and Final Exams: Because many of your classes will ask you to write during in-class midterms and finals, the midterm and final will consist of in-class essays. Please refer to the class schedule to see when the midterm and final will take place. IMPORTANT: You CANNOT make up or reschedule the midterm or final. Look up the dates of the mid-term and final exam and be sure you are able to be in class during those times.

Participation & Homework Assignments: This class will focus largely on discussion; therefore, I expect you to engage with the readings during class. Because of this, I expect you to complete the readings by the day that they are assigned under the “class schedule.” We will discuss the readings in class on the due dates, and by participating, you will garner percentage points for participation. Your participation, however, should go beyond “I liked the text” or “It was good” or “I don’t know” as such answers will garner no percentage points since they tell me and your fellow students nothing about your understanding of or reaction to the reading. To facilitate productive discussion during class, every student is required to come to each class with a minimum of 2 discussion questions or topics ready for conversation. Your participation will also be based on attendance and on group responses to readings and assignments that you will submit in class and for homework, such as quick writes, scholarly source reviews and other writing assignments listed in the syllabus.

Research Paper Proposals: All Research topics must be approved. You will receive credit for turning in your proposal on time, but even if you do not turn in a proposal by the due date, you must, at some point before the Research Paper is due, consult with me on your research topic/thesis so that I may approve it. I will not accept Research Papers with topics that did not receive my prior approval. 


Essay 1 – 3-4 pgs                                                                                         10%
Essay 2 – 5-6 pgs                                                                                         10%
Final Research Paper 5-7 pgs                                                                      20%
Issue Analysis                                                                                             10%
Scholarly Source Review                                                                              5%
Annotated Bibliography                                                                             7.5%
Other Writing (RWW, QW, Micro Essays)                                               7.5%
Midterm Exam                                                                                           10%
Final Exam                                                                                                 10%
Participation                                                                                               10%

A = 100 – 89.5%, B = 89.4 – 79.5%, C = 79.4 – 69.5%, D = 69.4 – 59.5%, F = 59.4 - 0%




Rewrite Policy: I allow you to rewrite either Essay 1 or 2 – not both – if you get a C+ or lower. The rewrite is due by two weeks after I return Essay 2, but you can turn it in earlier if you wish. Rewrites must contain the “track changes” option in Word so that I am able to see the specific revisions made to your rewrite (students may see me if unfamiliar with this option). I will replace the grade of the original paper with the grade of the rewrite. The last research essay and all other writing assignments cannot be rewritten.

Late Policy: Any work turned in late, but within 3 (three) days of the due date, will be deducted a full letter grade. Electronic essay submissions cannot be turned in in lieu of hard copies, BOTH are required. ANY WORK TURNED MORE THAN THREE DAYS AFTER THE DUE DATE WILL RECEIVE AN F. In short, turn everything in on time. That said, if you are, for some reason, unable to meet a deadline, please email or meet with me at least 72 hours (3 days) before the due date so that we can come to some sort of resolution.

Attendance and Tardiness: Repeated absences will significantly interfere with your progress as a writer; therefore, you are allowed three unexcused absences without an adverse effect on your participation grade. Upon your fourth unexcused absence, your participation grade will be lowered by one percentage point. Upon your fifth unexcused absence, you will lose another percentage point, and so on. After six absences (equivalent to 3 weeks of instruction), you will not be able to pass the course. If you think you will be absent when an assignment will be due, the assignment is STILL DUE, and I expect you to turn in the assignment via email or posted to the course site by the date and time due. I also expect you to be ON TIME for all classes.

Computer and Cell Phone Policy: I discourage the use of laptops and other electronic devices in class. I will not, however, prohibit students from using laptops or notepads in order to take notes. With this in mind, those using these devices must refrain from visiting sites that do not pertain to the class discussion during class time. Facebook, Twitter, Sports updating websites, etc. do NOT pertain to class discussions and are prohibited. If I feel a student is abusing this policy, I will kindly ask that the laptop be put away, and in extreme cases, I may ask students to leave. Please turn off all cell phones during class.

Withdrawal Policy: It is your responsibility to withdraw from this class. I will not withdraw students who simply stop coming to class; such students will simply receive an F in the class. See the course catalog for more detailed instructions and important deadlines.

Academic Integrity: Forms of academic dishonesty include collusion – lending your work to another person to submit as his or her own, fabrication – deliberately creating and/or citing false information, and plagiarism – the presentation of another person’s work as your own. Academic dishonesty can lead to a range of responses from the University and me. Please see the “Academic Action” section of the course catalog: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/catalog/current/academic_information/cheating_plagiarism.html

Accommodations: If you have a verified disability that requires special accommodations, please see me within the first week of class to best meet your needs. Additionally, for information regarding the services available to you as a student with disabilities, you should contact Disabled Student Services in Brotman Hall or call them at (562) 985-5401

Contacting the Instructor: The best and most effective way to contact me is via email. In most cases, this should be your first attempt to contact me regarding any questions, issues or concerns. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible, but for pre-caution, please allow 48 hours for a response. Also, you should feel free to stop by my office during office hours, located at MHB 717. If my scheduled office hours do not work with your schedule, you may make an appointment with me and arrange a meeting.   

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